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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  July 22, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

5:00 am
3 - 33 & 3&ptoday is going to bb the &phottest dayyof the suumer so yyu leavv the house to stay cool allldayy.. and who's --3 giviig way ffee ffns today. & 3 3 " and.. suucess through diicipllne. the tough love program that'' ggving & yung ssudents a cance at better lives. 3 -33 poday iss riday, 3& uly 22nd.
5:01 am
3 we hhve a school clossnn to pass allng to ou due to the & proggams in baltimore ciiy pill be ccosed tooay.all code preee summer progrrms ill & schedulee times. 3 33 3& ft mchenry map
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3- p3 3 juuttimagineebeing inside a this... withháno air ccnditiining.á inside the wymannhhuse... many witt mennal and physical &pdisabilities... that's exactlyy what they are daling with. maayysay it'ssbeen aaproblem since august of last ear.but on days asshot as todayyann yesterdayy.. it's almmst - pnbearabll.and because work is the buildingg.. many doors leading to baalony'' have een &pseeled shut.3& "i say aboutt.........its jjst
5:04 am
3& real bad (21 sc) the city's housing authorityy according to a spokksperson.... -3 the department was made awaaee&pafftrnoon... and crews have been here all daa working on tte ooolnggsystem..-& ssving energy on days aa hot as today... can be tough.but ooe aryland reeery ii dding 3 caah.the flying dog""in a rogram... witt the regionall power grid.on peak days... thee - comppny ccts back its eeergyy use by 0 to40-percent. (matovichh "for instaane,, hre we have ouu keg machinn nn today e're nottgoinggtt use that, that's going tt save sooe electricity for other &ppeople o uue..all through the facilitt we have operrtioos like thhs where we can cut back ii we know in addvncee"
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advance."the owners get a dollars from the grri... for ttkkng part in he prrgraa. & 3&pif yyu'rr hhaded outdoors todaa... prepare for another scorcher. 3 ii cockeyssilleewednesday... we saw severaa people ddshing 3 inside buildings with air -3 conditioning.bbu sooe pustomers choseeto trade in 3 bbckram yooa studio... it's 33 and wednneddy's class was ffll sweat it ut.some say it actually helps their bodiiss outdooos. 3 "ittddesn'' feel qqitt as baa once you gee iisiieethe room and start breattinn andd aking deep breaths, you adjust to it 3 quickly.">students say they drinkinn lots of wattr. 3 type of activity his wweek.-& of setting a hooting ambush on aa fficer..t happpned -&ptueeday...
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southwwet baltimore.baltimore.police arrested 20- year old che jordaa... after &preceiving a tip from aa 3 an assaaut rifle like theeone seen heee... at an ooficcr 3 for a domessic ispute along cooks ane.a buulet &pshhtteeed... when ii hit the handle of the officer'' un... just grazingg he officerss ptomach.police commissionee fred bealefeld says it's a miracce the officer is alivve.. aad thhnkssthe communiit foo stepping up... 3 3 "we certainly apppeccate th partnership... in thht people & n tte ommunity recognize us safe too."-butttto--forr and my team offdetectives to & credit to how his artnershii should work." -3 wwrk." the ccmmissionne says pome ssrt of rudde agginst &&p3 familyy...frieeds... aad teaamates aae mourning the loss of aahigh school
5:07 am
passetball staa... who was - shoo nd killed n south baltmore. 18-yeer olddmarcus parvell would have been a &psenior next year att en franklin high school.loved -3 onesssay he left hii apartment nnarrthe "brooklyn omes"" -3&phousing ddvelopment - weddnsday... to show ff his 3 later... he was hot in tte - chest iiside aa apartment on 3 3& smitt/rrsident) "aalli - seennwas an ammulance, policee - they took him out on the &pstretchhr.. hatts t. i feel sorry for the aaily.." -3&pfamily..""olice have questioned two people in he phooting but no arrests haveebeen made yet.. &p3 we thought we'd be waking up to the enddof the n-f-l lockout.innteadd.. we're ii attleasttsome movemmnt. megan gilliland is live right noo ffom m &&t bank stadium with tth progress thattwas - mmde last night. good morning patrice,,eeall pann one thing... we just wwnt
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out here takiiggon the reguuar season game... thh ooners want 3 pheir teams to be playing... and for heefirst timm since thhs lockouu tarred... thh -3&ball appears tt be mooiig. movinggas f lasttnight... the &&powners votee unanimously inn favor of the nnw, 10 yyar collecttve bargaining agrremeet.coomissionee roger -3pgoodellldeclared that facclittee will open on ssaurday, with rainiig camp 3 plaaers claim the ownees have pllppedd n a few extras that they haven't seen beffre.thee -3held massive conffrence call last night... however... hey &didn't take a vote... at leastt - not yet.riggt beeore that all - was made... ravens pllyer derrick masoo shared hhs seemingly never ending 3 3
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3 3 if and hen tte players vote,, -the unnon ould have to recertify, but no one seems to kkow ow lonng his could takk. for now, onn game haa been cancelleddtte hall f fame 7tt, will not be from m & t bank stadiuu, megan -3 3 it's friday and that meann oor facebook page about anything youuwant..-& wann.let us now what's n - your mind-- aad yoor espoose coold air in oor "faceeook feedback" seggent. segmmnn.just gootoofaaebbok &pdot comm sash ffxbaltimoreeto become a fan and join tth & connersation..- 3 commngguu n
5:10 am
he early 3 paalen comrades... comrades... nats of bell tolls how fireeighters aree hnnoing - thiee colleaguus who loss september 11th attacks. &patttakss
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5:12 am
3 take a lookkas the heat bakes washington ddc. and ome even -3 trred to prooit off the & selling bottled wwter n the street.somm used fans to stay cool in tte standbyy.. the pool. & 3 and thenn n 3 publiciizd... they hhve air & conditionnng.their marquee &preads " ww hhve a-c... ho carrs what'' playinn!" 3 ((2-shot toss too
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5:14 am
33 & 3 ((ad ib 3 ,3((trrffic reeorterrad liib)) pap 899 map 195 map
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33 wilkens map fiber 3 wilkens map fibbe
5:17 am
3 &pp3- 3 3 3 ptill to come... 3 pepsi loverss.. gee eedy to shell ut ssme extta dough for & yyur cravinnss..hen theesoot -3 drink company will raass it'ssppicess bellbut first... rememering phe lives loss during thee9-11 downtown baltimore.. honoring & them.. next. ((bump ouu))
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3 ((break 2))
5:19 am
3 huudreds of firefighters hooor tteir fallen comrades ddring &pdownnown ballimooe.myraada - ptephens was therr annd has mmrreon hhw they're keeping tthir memory aaive. 3& nats f bell ttlls ith every -3& toll of the bell.... more nats - a ffrefightee takes steps....
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no longer here. 25:46 it - really hits home with me thht moreethann343-firefightees prom acroos the couutryytookk part in oday's nine-eleven memoriil tair climb at the hiltonnhooee in ddontown baltimore..dennis 2233 itts an ppportunity or s to pay pribute tt the 343 firefighters who gave their lives at the world trade center 40myranda 44:377the to represent the 110--loors that err once ins tte twin 3 eleven 3 years old whennit -& i waa a youug kid buu i reallyy eet like it hit hhme 58 &pmade the grueling cliib inn p-shirts and shorts - thee 26:49 if i coulddbring everythinggthose
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guys carried upptotthh 50thhffoor up the p0th floor that's what i'd bee & carrying with me so thatt's why i'm doiig that 56 natt of -3 flassiig photos??the &ppirefiihtees allo carried thh 3 fallen comrades they reprrsented. tth money raised -3 will benefit theenational fallen firefighhers founddaionn - which rovides support too famiiies of falleen firefighttrs everywhere. john 2885 anything that ww can do tt heep them and helppthee remeebee the great people haa 3remembering the past - and protecting the future... one step atta time. in downtown baltimore, myrandd ssephens,, pox45 news at ttn. can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating whole grain oats can help lower my cholesterol.
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it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lower our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. hi parents, it's going to be such a big school year. your kids will each take care of our class hamsters, lewis & clark. then i'll tell them the story of pluto, the sad little planet that was. i'll introduce them to some new friends, the fractions
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and some cold blooded ones, the dinosaurs. [sfx: dinosaur growl] clark! anyway, here's what they'll need: markers, scissors, crayons pencils, folders, juice boxes, pretzel sticks, glue sticks, tape that sticks, and glitter. so much glitter. school takes a lot. target has it all. 3 &&pthe world faces ,3&ppinanccal problems... but innesttrs rr gettingggreen.. and as aaaa shapiio reports... thh goovrnment ii sellingg t's last stakks in chrysler. chrysler. investtos making 3 as governments n europe andd
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ammrrccaseem to be makkng progress on ebt deals. 3& puuting ttee wiihhchryslerrthe 3 remaining stake in he -3 auttmaker toonew owner fiat -- for more than half a billion buckk lent to the old chhyyler. aaerica's wo laagest ccmpaaies that mmnage hooking up.exppess cripts buying rivaa medcc for 29 stock..he nee commany will pouuhly 135 mmllion peoppe. keep an eye on microsoft.affer soffwarr giint reportingg &&pquarterly earnings aad overall paaes head of expectationn. but sall of its core windows &ppepsi gettiig a pop...and also -3 drink and snackkmaker sseving up profit gainn last quurttr. strong sales in emerging &pmarkets helping bost emerging markets strong sales in quurter.gains llss ssrving & uu profit gaiis lass quarttr.
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strrng sales in emerging & bbsiness..but pepsi still this falllto offset igher posts.that's bussness. i'm -3 adam hapiro. -3 3 ccmmng up... 33 the infamous balloon in the "bblllon boy hoax" is colorado.find oot what thee &powner lans to do ... to the ballooo. &balloon. -,3 the world nds on , augustt2nd. that's whattwashington politicians wwnt yyu oobelieee. & america hits the national debt -& eillng. previously, we wwre -3 told the deadline was march 31st,
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appil 11th,,mmy 16th and may 31st. it's like the old joke. aa dctor givess a man six months to live. he man tells he doctoo he can't -3&ppay his bill. so the doctor months to ive. ii's ashington gimmicks. most media eeuates he -3 ddbt ceilinn ith automatic default. untrue. trrasury mann ho cheated on his taxes &pfor eers - is obligated to make ddbttppyments. anddwe - have enough money to pay our - default. now the white house arguee we can't -3 afford our ebt. nd we shooud take on morr ddbt tt ppy oof the deettwe alreedy 33 a atastrophe doessawait ur childree aad grandchildren. &pwe are saddling themmwith debt 3& this ii nn time to & china atternn..and on which movve tooseee yoo don't comppomiss on prrnciple. one sideewants to live withhn our means. the otter siie wwnts - to spend us into bankruptty. and just wildly overspend.
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princiiled people shoulln't 3 ourrcountry iito zzibabwe. & for more on ttis storyy pisii behind the heaalines dot net and folllo us on twitter ann facebook. i'm ark - hyman.
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pyur mmodd. on fox 45 news t -33&pp:300 3 -
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3 3 3 3 p 3


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